Land Bank Acquires 19 Acres

Satelite Image showing along Madaket Road and Crooked Lane

On January 14, 2016, the Land Bank acquired 19 acres of land along Madaket Road and Crooked Lane. The purchase price was $2,150,000. The property contains approximately 1.4 miles of an existing trail network and is protected by a conservation restriction. Prior to the Land Bank purchase there was no public access to the property, but now the trail network is open to the public and can be accessed on foot through a gate on Madaket Road near Wannacomet Road, and at the intersection of Crooked Lane and West Chester Street. Portions of the trail network can be very wet during winter and the Land Bank hopes to install some additional boardwalks over these areas.

This property is a mosaic of upland and wetland habitat types, dominated by woody plants. The wetter areas are populated with winterberry and sweet pepperbush while the upland is primarily a mixture of large shrubs such as arrowwood, black cherry, bayberry and oak species.